She is everything to me. She is the one I base my life decisions around. Making it better for her is my goal. I realize that society and those around me don't recognize the importants of family. What is the point of having one if you don't create a life around the ones you say you hold dear.
I notice we say it but we don't do it. I can honestly say that when I found out I was pregnant it was a surprise and half to me. But I took a hold of the situation and was amazed of the love I had and have to give her. In her eyes I see me, love, compassion, and the hopes that I wasn't given. I think about that a lot, what I wasn't given.
Parents have so many responsibilities but when does there concerns with life stop and focus on the life they have given. At least enough so that the child knows the parent is there, concerned and aware.
She is my life and my everything and to her I give myself.